Terms and Conditions

When purchasing the simulations on our website, you automatically agree to our terms and conditions.

Article 1 – Licenses

The purchased simulations include a personal license code, which is for your own use and cannot be shared with third parties.
If this is done and/or detected by our system, the license will automatically be revoked and you will have to purchase a new license.

Article 1-2 – Licenses

The licenses can be revoked at any time if undesirable behavior arises.

Article 2 – Copyright

Our simulations are protected by copyright, which must be respected at all times.
This is reflected in not sharing the “source code” and “assets”.
Breaking open our simulations & other simulations of our colleagues is therefore not permitted.
If this is done and/or detected by our system, your license will automatically be revoked and your account & IP address will be banned from our site for life. In addition, there is no money back guarantee.

Article 2 – Sharing our simulations

It is not permitted to share our simulations on other websites without permission.
It is also not allowed to share your license with friends or other people.

Article 3 – Money back guarantee

We offer a money back guarantee provided the game crashes on startup and is completely unplayable.
Did you buy the wrong thing and still play or download it? Then unfortunately we cannot give your money back.
If we discover that our licenses are being misused, they will be revoked and you will not be entitled to a refund.

Article 4 – Update warranty / play warranty

We can close our servers and services at any time, so we do not provide a lifetime update or play guarantee for our simulations.
Our simulations are loaded from our servers and once they are suspended, the simulations are no longer playable.

Need help?

Contact us at support@vrides.nl for questions related to refunds and returns.